

Save $10.00 

Save $10.00 Off
on your first cleaning
with this coupon when you schedule
ongoing weekly or any other week cleaning.
valid for one time or deep cleaning
or move out cleanings. Not valid with any other offers or
must mention the coupon when you call. Restrictions and blackout
dates** apply. Not valid with any other offers or any other discounts.
Discounts apply off our regular hourly rates of $30 to $35.00 per work
hour. Not valid for services already provided.
Housecleaning Service
**Please call our office to check
on blackout dates for this coupon. Blackout dates include any week that
includes a major holiday where our office will be closed on one or more
days on that particular week, as well as the week immediately
preceeding these major holidays. These holidays include for
example Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence
Day, New Years Day, etc.
